Someone found a severed finger at a dance music festival…

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Someone found a severed finger at a dance music festival…

There is no telling what you might come across at a music festival. Come the end of the festivities the grounds are usually a cesspit of forgetting items, be that money, empty beer cans or sometimes more illicit items – you just never know what you’re gonna get.

But with that said, you’d surely never expect to find a severed finger, which one punter claims to have found during Electric Forest Festival this month.

The festival goer shared the disturbing image on Snapchat with a caption reading “Found a finger at the forest”. From what we see, it looks pretty accurate and very gross. Check it out below.


In response to this absurd discovery, Electric Forest state: “Many things may have been lost in the forest – minds, hearts, faces – but not a finger”.

Michigan State Police later confirmed it was just a “very real looking fake finger”. So it looks no one actually lost any fingers during the festival, but who the hell brings a fake finger?



(Via: Mixmag)


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