The average salary at Spotify is big and rising!

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The average salary at Spotify is big and rising!

Salaries at the Swedish streaming giant, Spotify, have increased 152% in five years. In 2010, the average Spotify salary stood at €60,000. Five years down the track and that number looks like€151,180 or in the Aussie dollarydoos, just north of $230,000!

The figure, recently discovered by Digital Music News, is an average made up from from receptionist to CEO, and includes different types of remuneration from direct payments to company shares and tax-deferred pensions.

These are the sort of figures that are currently leaving the artists, who provide their music for services such as Spotify, with less earnings for their hard work – highlighting the huge gaps between workers in the music industry.

Even though Spotify have recently increased royalty payments, most of this new money will be going back into the label, leaving the artist with the short straw yet again.

This comes just a week after the announcement that Spotify were going to incorporate DJ mixes and remixes into their service.

Do you think Spoifty has the highest salaries out of all the streaming services?



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