Does the future of music performance exist in a virtual realm?

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Does the future of music performance exist in a virtual realm?

In a world of dimension exploration, exists technologies such as 3D printing, 3D drawing, other 3D mapping and virtual experiences. So the questions is, does the future of music performance exist in a virtual realm?

Today, the music industry is reaching in Malcolm Gladwell’s terms, it’s “tipping point,” where everything has aligned (with the aid of social media and digital marketing) and it is thriving and booming than ever before at a rapid rate. Like any industry, there is the act and art of evolution. Currently we are seeing a new breed of tech savvy coding brain-childs who take up the “sport” of production at a young age, giving Deadmau5 a run for his money/Ferrari(s).

This brings us to Byron Mallette from New Zealand, who has designed and created a “virtual reality interface performing music that utilizes Ableton Live and the much-discussed VR headset Oculus Rift.” He calls it, the “Pensato.” You’d think with all that brain power it would have a more catchy title, eh? Mallette has appropriated game controllers by replacing them with custom made virtual reality (VR) gloves.

“I can pick up a track (represented by an icosahedron) using a grasping motion and place it into a working area hovering in front of me.” – Mallett,  Ableton blog interview.

More on future of Pensato can be found in the ableton interview. Mallett’s video below demonstrates him performing, “Fissure,” an original track by himself.  The video was made public in September but only today has it caught on!

As we begin to engage in a fully immersive virtual reality, what are we leaving behind?  Vinyls on Ebay for sale here.

Source: Beatportal


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