Mapp’s remix of Pierce Fulton sounds like Skrillex on bass-laced steroids

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Mapp’s remix of Pierce Fulton sounds like Skrillex on bass-laced steroids

So is having a remix competition for “Kuaga!” As a result, L.A based producer, Mapp, has entered the competition, creating raging envy amongst all other contestants.

In this remix, Mapp has tried to remove himself from progressive house behaviour as no remix in that genre would be able to hold a candle to the original. This track yearns to be the Tomorrowland aftermovie soundtrack, combining an electro, bass-heavy drop, with a massive trap-style ending to keep the energy up and the listener guessing. Overall, an outrageous track…hang in until 2.50, it’s well worth the wait.

Upcoming on the cards for Mapp includes a soon-to-be released original collaboration with Gazzo, as well composing songs for the beloved, “So you think you can Dance.” Ergo, there should totaly be a show called, “So You Think You Can Produce.”

Make sure Mapp, is on your map.


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