Just a little preface, we don’t condone the use of drugs and on that note we’re also not making light of these punters. They all look like their having a fun safe time and as far as we know they’re comfortable and considered in what they’re doing. TL;DR we’re not condoning drug use, but we’re also not ones to judge.
There’s always someone in your travels that you run into and it’s obvious they’ve taken their ‘good time’ a little too far. This article is an ode to those who’ve accidentally taken it there and as such created some of the most viral video moments in dance music history.
So without further ado, here are our 5 most cooked videos of people on drugs.
1. When these blokes gurned all over national Aussie television when the lockouts were first announced
This was an iconic Australian TV moment and nothing anyone can say will convince us otherwise. These fellas were just a little excited at the prospect of the casino after a confusing introduction to the new lockout laws.
2. When this chick got completely entranced by some gloving
To be fair, gloving is mesmerising when you’re sober, can’t imagine how anything else would affect you.
3. When old mate tried to light his lighter, a truly spectacular move
Short and sweet, this guy wasn’t having a good night.
4. When this guy got deemed as the moist boss by Brown Cardigan
Yeah look we don’t really get it either, but damn this guy’s a bit off it.
5. These two girls who had seemingly zero control over their facial muscles
I don’t think we’ve ever seen someone as excited at the prospect of music as these two fezzie girls.
These are some of our favourite moments but we know there’s an infinite amount more, so feel free to share them below. Once again and most importantly remember to stay safe out there!