Peggy Gou has just not stopped achieving over the past few years.
From her first few mixes turning underground heads, and her debut release on Rekids in early 2016, Peggy has now played all over the globe, including an incredible set at Dekmantel’s Boiler Room earlier this year. The Korean native shows no signs of slowing either, with a ridiculously packed touring schedule rounding out 2017 and pushing even stronger into next year. The talented artist has embraced her home in Berlin over the last couple of years, and has blossomed into one of the most promising and exciting underground talents. We at Stoney Roads were lucky enough to speak to her ahead of her debut Australian tour and set at Strawberry Fields Music Festival. Full interview below.
Hey Peggy how’s it going? What have you been up to lately?
Hey, I’m all good! Pretty busy with touring and studio works too, but I like keeping myself busy so I’m doing okay. I just finished my new EP which will come out next year (I can’t tell you the label yet!), so pretty excited about that as this new EP is quite special to me!
You moved from South Korea to London and then to Berlin –when you first moved to London did you think you were going to settle in Europe for the long term? How was the move to Berlin initially?
When I moved to London I was too young. I was 14 years old when I went to the UK because I wasn’t doing well in Korea and my parents wanted me to study English. Then there was a time I had to go back to Korea (about age 18) to try and study. After 6 months living there I just couldn’t do it, so I knew European culture fitted me more – and it did change my personality and perspective. Sometimes I do wonder what I would have become if I was in Seoul for the whole of my life? I have NO IDEA! Moving to Berlin was very tough in the beginning, first of all it was November (winter), and I didn’t have many friends. I wanted to focus on music so my life was all about working in a record store, go back home make music, and go to Berghain on Sunday. Of course it got better as time passed by, but if i think about it now I do think Berlin is good for me. Especially as I’m not there all the time now, I leave during the weekend and come back during the week. It’s a good place for home.
I read that you once said some of the best advice you’ve been given is by Theo Parrish who said not to stick with one genre. As someone who’s produced a lot of very eclectic releases over the past few years, are you still sticking to this advice? Or are you trying to carve out your own specific sound?
Ah he wasn’t talking about one genre of music, what he said was that you shouldn’t get stuck on one song when you make music, you need to move on. That was helpful for me as I tried too much to make my own sound, to do something different, and I couldn’t as I always got stuck and didn’t know how to move on. But back to your question, yes, I’m always trying to be eclectic (production-wise and DJ-wise). I don’t want to define myself to one genre.
I read that you’ve been planning out an album filled with lots of different genres. Who have been some of your inspirations during this planning period? Why?
That is not a difficult question. One of my favourite albums is still ‘School Daze’ from Patrick Cowley. He is definitely one of my favourite producers, his sounds are special to me. Somebody mentioned that the last productions he made before he passed away might get a release. I’m waiting day-by-day for that to happen. When I’m home I try not to listen to dance music too much. I listen to soul funk, african music, electro etc
I think your tattoos are really sick, do you have any favourites out of them? Why?
A lot of people ask me this question, every tattoo means something different to me for different reasons so it’s very hard to choose my favourite. If i had to pick one I would say the giraffe tattoo on my legs (without the pattern) as they are a very special animal to me haha
Do you feel you have a similar connection to body art as you do with music?
I don’t see my body art as separate, or my music as separate. I’m not sure how to explain it, but all of this this just comes from one person which is me. Instead of saying there’s a connection, I see it all as one thing.
I’ve wanted to visit Seoul for a long time, it looks like such an amazing city. For someone that has moved to quite different cities in their lifetime, what do you miss about Seoul the most?
My family and friends I miss for sure, but I also miss having the FASTEST INTERNET in the world; and the FASTEST SERVICE everywhere from foods to 24 hour food delivery, and also my nail shop haha! 😛
I read that at one point in your career you wanted to focus more on music rather than fashion so you were taken more seriously. How do you split your time between fashion and music now?
When I moved to London I decided to drop fashion to focus on music and be more serious about it. As I mentioned many times in that interview, fashion and dressing-up is also a part of me so I do it for myself. I like to dress myself up, but fashion doesn’t take that much of my time anymore. But if there’s any opportunities for me to do fashion shoots, or even something else along those lines, I will always try to find the time to do it if it’s something I want to do.
What are your plans for 2018? More releases?
My new EP is coming out in February (hopefully), and I might launch my own label and my own party. By the end of the year my album should also be done. This is my aim 🙂
What are you most looking forward to for Strawberry Fields and your Australian tour in general?
I’m just super excited about Australia in general. First of all as I’ve never been so its my first time. I think I’m very lucky to be able to play these great parties and festival on my first visit. I also got a lot of messages on Instagram and Facebook from people saying that they are going to Strawberry Fields, to see me on the stage! To be honest I was half worried as its my first time coming to Australia and I was thinking “nobody knows me there haha”, but yeah, lets see. It is nervous and exciting so I have mixed feelings about it right now. I heard Australians are more crazy at festivals than a club, so I’m excited to play Strawberry Fields (not to mention the great line up too). Hope you can come and see me, and then go and see Hunee and Antal after!
Catch Peggy Gou this weekend in Sydney at the Oxford Art Factory! Full schedule below
Friday 17th November: Oxford Art Factory, Sydney
Saturday 18th November: Boney, Melbourne
Sunday 19th November: Strawberry Fields Festival, Tocumwal, Wildlands Stage
Sunday 19th November: Habitat Garden Party, Perth