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With a bunch of recent releases and a new album only a few days away, what better track to throw back to than one by Justice. Planisphere, released in four parts originally on their Myspace, was created by the duo for the Dior Homme Summer 2009 Fashion Show. Sitting at almost 18 minutes long, this mammoth of a tune moves from strength to strength, while incorporating incredibly similar sounds and movements throughout.

From build to break and back again, Planisphere is almost like the same track re-done four separate times. With more driving or relaxed synths, intense percussion, vocal samples, and even an absolutely wicked guitar solo, this is an insight into just how varied Justice’s sound is, and a huge testament to their skill.

Whether you’re walking down the runway, walking home, sitting down, standing up, driving along or having a downright jam to it, Planisphere is perfect for any and all occasions. Perfect gee ups for their next album ‘Woman’ dropping this Friday.


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