So what actually went down during Ireland’s two days of legalised drugs?

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So what actually went down during Ireland’s two days of legalised drugs?

We recently reported on the hilariously incredulous news that Ireland had somehow made drugs including ecstasy, ketamine, ice and magic mushrooms legal for 48 hours.

So…. what happened next?

Exactly what you expected, according to Vice, who were there to document the action. Locals and tourists alike took complete advantage of the brief free-for-all window and the results seem pretty hilarious.

Bars, clubs and a specially-created Facebook event called the “Loophole Pop-Up Party” saw Dublin turn into a rampaging party, spilling out onto the streets and beyond to celebrate and exploit this EPIC legal fuck-up, “before it’s once again legally not OK to snort lines of MDMA off public benches.”

“Tonight, people are falling over each other, beady-eyed, hugging the walls and each other. There’s little attempt to conceal the keys and tiny plastic bags being passed around. A congregation has formed on the staircase: chatty girls on breaks from the dance floor grouped around the lower steps, guys in pairs chewing invisible bubble gum, clenching their fists a lot and shouting at each other.”

“The sleazy guys selling pills at the back of the club are even sleazier tonight, smiling through firmly clenched teeth, their eyes half open under bucket hats. They add to the illusion that we’ve all stumbled into some PLUR-filled, retrograde acid rave universe, an homage to a time we were too young to remember.”

Jealous you weren’t there?

Anyway, read the entire story and check out more photos on Vice.

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