Expect a ‘Nasty’ Track From The Prodigy This Month

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Expect a ‘Nasty’ Track From The Prodigy This Month

Seminal electronic thrash band (?) The Prodigy have a promised a new track this month after spilling the artwork and name on their instagram.

Dubbed “Nasty Nasty” we’re expecting some scary stuff after founder Liam Howlett approached the albums sound saying it’ll be “violent” and “wipe the floor” of the current crop of DJs.

Last month he gave a heavy handed assessment of those DJs stating some strong opinions of the modern scene;

“We’re in different zones to them. We don’t make music like those kind of acts. We view ourselves as in our own kind of area. We’re fans of some people out there, but when you’ve got a scene built on DJs, that’s not healthy. We need more bands that make this kind of music.”

Following the new single will come their sixth studio album in February, a full six years after their last ‘Invaders Must Die’ in 2009.

The band will play this years Future Music Festival alongside Drake, Gorgon City and even Darude!

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