Schoolies Is A Pinger Fest According To Mainstream Media

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Schoolies Is A Pinger Fest According To Mainstream Media

It’s that time of the year again: school finished up. Treacherous months of studying and final exams down, it’s time to throw it all away under a waterfall of drinks, and, apparently, shit tonnes of ecstasy, MDMA, acid and pot according to mainstream media.

Turns out that this year’s school leavers, predominantly found on the Gold Coast, are turning to illegal drugs now more than ever in order to satisfy their unquenchable needs for a super rad party. They’re choosing to pay street value for ecstasy, around $20-$30 for a “pinga” or “dinga” instead of around $50 for a carton of beer.

Some of the teenagers have justified their reasons to experiment with illegal drugs: “There are no parents so it’s easier to get away with it,” one said, while another added, “Everyone is doing it so I guess there’s a bit of peer pressure.”

Makes sense to me! Oh, wait..

There’s been reports of arrests with those in possession of drugs, including two 17-year-old girls in their hotel. But these charges have been unsurprisingly dwarfed by reports of those taken into custody for being under the influence of alcohol, with more than 30 arrests made.

So, allegedly, up to 80% of schoolies revellers are popping dingas, dropping tabs and smoking enough to impress Snoop Dogg. But, according to The Bulletin it seems Chief Superintendent Des Lacy, it hasn’t actually been that bad. He made this fairly relaxed statement about the festivities thus far:

“On a whole Saturday night is always the most jubilant night for the schoolies and that’s when they’re air punching and letting off a bit of steam but in terms of behaviour there has been nothing significant for us,”

While we don’t deny that drug use is probably happening at schoolies, it seems that now, more than ever, the government needs to step in and help protect its people.

If the stats really are true, the scariest part about it is the potential for these kids – and for older partygoers – to obtain tainted drugs. It’s those extra chemicals – the diluters, the bath salts, cheap and poorly made substitutes that are leading to health problems, overdoses and worse.

Where are the testing kits or tents? Maybe we should take a proactive approach, like what the Bunk Police do in offering testing kits on-site.

With another 10 or so days until schoolies officially ends, we’re crossing our fingers, hoping that we don’t hear about any bad news, and that the school leavers have a great time!



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