Triple J recently conducted a nation-wide survey of about 11 000 young people (18-29) to ask them “What’s up in their world?”
The statistics were pretty much what you’d expect across the board, not feeling good about the future of the environment, not having more than 5k in your bank account, loving avocado, all the classic Gen Y stuff.
What took us as a bit of a surprise though was that the majority of drug users surveyed had taken drugs into a festival at a whopping 55 per cent. An amount that’s more than the percentage who had even done Ecstasy/MDMA. Curious to say the least! On top of that 83 per cent of users (no surprise here) said that they’d use pill testing if it was available at festivals.
The survey covers quite a bit, so check out the video below for a quick outline or check here for all the key facts and tell us what you think, is this an accurate representation of young people?