My 5: Sable shares 5 tracks he’d need on a deserted island!

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My 5: Sable shares 5 tracks he’d need on a deserted island!

Sable is our dude. Plus he is about kick off a tour, including two massive shows for Castaway Festival.

In the spirit of Castaway Festival (and the movie for that matter), we thought we would find out what 5 songs Sable would absolutely NEED if he was deserted on an Island by himself, but maybe with a volleyball named Wilson. No one else though!

Here are his answers! Tour dates are below.

One Armed Scissor – At The Drive In

This is the all time most played song in my iTunes.  Also the song I’ve played along to the most on guitar and drums!  I think the arrangement is really creative and the music itself is really dynamic.  It carries really well as a song and I cannot express how happy the melody that comes in at 1:15 makes me.  Sable = :’D  Fun fact about post-hardcore: most of the music I write is this genre just interpreted differently!

Virtual Insanity – Jamiroquai

Jamiroquai was an obsession of mine for a while.  I picked up a bass guitar and learned every song I could get my hands on.  This is possibly the most Jamiroquai song I could think of from the era when the band’s music had distinct political overtones.  Most of my chord and bassline knowledge come from playing along to Jamiroquai songs for hours and hours and hours.  Another fun fact: Jamiroquai was my gateway to funk and really opened me up to bass-oriented music.

You Probably Couldn’t See For The Lights But You Were Staring Straight At Me – Arctic Monkeys

This is the song I have the strongest memories of hearing and thinking ‘wow this song is written so well’.  I still think it’s an amazing song, back when the Arctic Monkeys were putting out a significantly more raw product (though they are still my all time favourite band).  The lyrics are much more basic than Alex Turner’s current output but they still deliver such a great story that seems to match perfectly with the music.  Basically, the Arctic Monkeys made me appreciate the value of a song well written.

Don’t Know Why – Norah Jones

I just really love this song.  I think it’s beautifully recorded.  That voice too.  OMG.  This is like the hot cup of tea on a cold night of songs.  Instant cosiness.

A Night at the Spleen – Closure in Moscow

Probably my favourite Australian band (I own three of their shirts!).  This song is the one that I remember most fondly from their first album.  It showcases the range of influences, the technical skill, the vocals.  The chord breakdown at about 2:30 makes me really glad every time I hear it and is a shining example of exactly what to do in a bridge to create a dynamic song.  Contrast is key!

So I would still be trying to Bear Gryllz my way off that island but the process would be made a little nicer with these five songs.  Honestly, with digital music, I would probably have more but these five I never get tired of hearing and hold them really close to my heart as far as me being a musician goes.  Hope you like!

For more info on Sable’s national run tour, click HERE.



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