Amsterdam Allow Increased Ecstasy Possession To Five Pills During ADE

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Amsterdam Allow Increased Ecstasy Possession To Five Pills During ADE

Amsterdam Dance Event, or ADE, has just kicked off in the Netherlands’ capital city, showcasing a wide variety of both European local and international electronic acts. Though it looks to be a sick event as is, it’s the city’s approach to drug use that’s been making headlines during the event.

In Amsterdam, the usual legal limit for possession of ecstasy is one pill, however city officials have announced that they’re being really liberal with possession this year, with punters being able to legally have up to five ecstasy pills on their person. Though Amsterdam is generally known for being relatively relaxed towards the use of recreational drugs, some are speaking out against the decision. Marja Ruigrok, chairman of The People’s Party for Freedom & Democracy, is one of those people. Speaking on Dutch TV, she said that “it is strange that we are so much more generous in Amsterdam in that policy. I find five pills too much for one person. You could perhaps be well off with just one. But we actually believe that you should not do it at all. It is dangerous, you do not know what it contains. It is forbidden.”

Amsterdam officials have still gone through with the decision though, and they’re working alongside a whole bunch of local institutions to make sure that it stays safe. Health services, police, lawyers, the drug advisory board, and local drug testing centres are all helping out, making sure that services are available to anyone who needs them, and putting a whole festival at ease so they can party safe.

Amsterdam has been at the forefront of safe drug taking for years. Many other countries are starting to take notice, like the US with states legalising marijuana, even if it is quite slowly. With Sydney’s lockout laws and Australia’s federal drug laws though, no doubt it’ll be a while before those of us who like smashing pingers will be able to do it legally and without worry about the nanny state.


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