Addictive New App Promises to Take Your Pad Drumming to the Next Level

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Addictive New App Promises to Take Your Pad Drumming to the Next Level

For every 10,000 apps to help the dads of the world get slightly better at guitar, there is generally one really worthwhile app for electronic artists.

Feeling the frustrations of those of us banging away on pads and falling short of ">virtuosity Sam Gribben, former CEO of DJ tech leader Serato, has set to work developing a new app to take finger drumming finesse to the next level.

Called Melodics, the new training app is designed to turn practicing into a game.

Using an interface similar to computer games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, the new app will provide aspiring finger drummers ongoing feedback on their performance.

With built-in lessons ascending in skill level, the app promises to cater to the natural capabilities of new, intermediate and skilled users.

A freemium version of the app is now available for OS X with a windows version slated for release later in the year.

For those seeking additional content, including lessons from Gaslamp Killer and DJ Jazzy Jeff, there is also an option to subscribe to the app for a monthly fee of USD$9.99.

Potential users be warned. Like any game it’s probably going to be addictive as hell.

Introducing Melodics from Melodics on Vimeo.


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