New Order Stun Fans With New Album ‘Music Complete’, Listen To The First Single

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New Order Stun Fans With New Album ‘Music Complete’, Listen To The First Single

New Order, that band that formed post Joy Division and released that “Blue Monday” song right? Almost, all of that and more happened with the band actually releasing tons of great music and touring the world since their inception in 1980.

Skip forward to 2015 and the group have announced a new album out of the blue (ay ay ay) titled ‘Music Complete’ that from the teaser of a single is plenty electrified for us and a good reason to be excited!

It does stray from twanged guitars and heavily loved bass but it’s the future and a world away from their last legit release over a decade ago with more good news that post Peter Hooks absence in 2007, keyboardist Gillian Gilbert has re-joined the group.

The tracklisting doesn’t give much away aside from some odd names ie “Tutti Frutti” and “Stray Dog” but hey Kraftwerk were on the same page when naming their songs and that worked out pretty well for them.

1.- Restless
3.- Plastic
4.-Tutti Frutti
5.- People On The High Line 2
6.- Stray Dog
7.- Academic
8.- Nothing But A Fool
9.- Unlearn This Hatred
10.- The Game
11.- Superheat

The album ‘Music Complete’ is due out September 25th.


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