Another City, Another Proposed Lockout Law

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Another City, Another Proposed Lockout Law

Fun Police Commissioner Gary Burns has proposed for Adelaide to put in place a 2am pub-and-club lockout, adding increased pressure to already struggling hospitality traders and club communities.

Since the 3am lockout laws the were put in place back in October 2013 there have already been noticeable effects. In particular, recent months have see a number of venue closures with late-night clubs Cuckoo, Dog and Duck, Savvy, Colonel Light Hotel and all closing their doors. The economic consequences are huge, not to mention there will be less jobs and opportunities available for DJ’s, bartenders, promoters and security guards all combining to create one big blow towards nightlife entertainment.

It is clear that there are two distinct parties involved in this debate with totally diverging opinions. Those who support the earlier lock outs are those who are less affected by the laws – politicians, geriatrics and police who want an early nights rest.

Is this creation of a nanny-state really necessary? Let’s take a quick look at Sydney as an example;

Sure, crime rates have dropped dramatically in the Kings Cross area however that is expected when foot traffic is down 84%. Unfortunately, as a result of people heading to their local pubs and bars instead, the suburb is now dotted in an increasing number of ‘for lease’ signs, successfully signalling the shift from the once-vibrant Golden Mile to the Hungry Mile.

The truth is, no matter the availability nor price of alcohol, people will always find a way to get completely shitfaced, and more importantly violent people will always be violent. So maybe a better approach is to better regulate the sale of alcohol to heavily intoxicated people, or have harsher laws on violent criminals and repeat offenders so that not everyone is punished for the actions of a select few.

Save Radelaide!


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