Pharrell Williams, Moby and More To Party With Bullied ‘Dancing Man’

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Pharrell Williams, Moby and More To Party With Bullied ‘Dancing Man’

There’s nothing more that boils my blood than a bully, more so one who uploads the evidence to the internet and boasts about it.

Thankfully the internet has two sides to it, with the good stepping in for ‘Dancing Man’ who was shamed on internet board 4chan after he was spotted dancing enthusiastically at a gig before being laughed at and left guttered.

dancing man

It was user Cassandra Fairbanks that then kicked off the ‘Can’t Bring Me Down’ campaign that looked to chase down the identity of ‘Dancing Man’ and throw him a big ass party along with 1,700+ girls from California – not a bad offer right?

dancing man tweet

Amongst a huge social media buzz ‘Dancing Man’ was tracked down and identified as Sean from London who then created a twitter account to confirm he was in fact the mythical footloose-r and the campaign really started finding it’s legs.

From there a GoFundMe was launched with a humble target of $5,000 to cover flights and a VIP party but has now reached over $32,000 and counting in a little over two days. Any additional funding above and beyond what is needed for the party will go to an anti-bullying charity.

The real kicker is how far the story has reached with both Pharrell Williams who’s going disco with Snoop Dogg and even Moby offering up his DJ services for the eventual party when Sean returns from a two week stint in Kiev.

moby dancing man

If it’s easier, we’d happily throw the damn party here in Australia to show Sean dancing is a-ok in our books and nothing feels better than cutting some shapes.

Feel good story of the week right? Now, about an invite *pops on wig



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