Win! Some Dillon Francis Budgy Smugglers

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Win! Some Dillon Francis Budgy Smugglers

To celebrate Dillon Francis’s first full length album ‘Money Sucks, Friends Rule’ that had a buttload of features and to remember his recent Australian tour with a buttload of shows, we’ve got a limited run of flaming fluro pink and fluro blue Budgy Smugglers with Dillon Francis’s face on the butt. CAN. YOU. DIG. IT?

Most likely things that will happen if you win a pair


1. You will instantly become more attractive
2. You may get people mistaking you for Tony Abbott
3. You will be the centre of attention at the beach
4. You’ll find yourself saying in the middle of conversations things like: ‘My eyes are up here Sharon’

To go in the chance to get your hands (and big round plums) on a pair of these bad boys, we’ve made it simple.

How to enter


FRIEND RULE! We like playing video games with our friends, so we want to know if you do too. Simply fill out our form and we’ll pick the winners next Wednesday 28th January 2015 @ 5pm.

dillon francis 1


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