Apollonia Ready Debut Album ‘Tour à Tour’

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Apollonia Ready Debut Album ‘Tour à Tour’

After making waves on the white isle all summer, the French tech Trio Apollonia have a huge delivery for the fall. Along with an extensive US stint, the groove-tastic deep dudes promise a 13-track journey recorded while on studio lockdown in Berlin. Hosting tracks the fit a full set, the rhythmically busting album features deep drives and peak points to fit in from set start to sunrise.

A decade in the making, the Parisians spent ten years of friendship and music before launching the Apollonia project with a bang in 2012. Securing prime spots in top events, the production is paying off as proven by their upcoming two-month global album tour.

“Tour à Tour (meaning to take turns, or ‘alternate’) represents the idea of a continuous motion of music between us; a never-ending circle that flows and becomes hypnotic… Our album represents the way we approach our DJ performance – there is a unity between us and we work like one artist; the music we play holds no boundaries of time, respecting music old and new.”

Showcasing the vibe side of tech house, these three are bringing a classic sound with a hip twist. Perfect for dancing, the texturally diverse album hints a bright future for the producer team. In anticipation of the album check out the muppet video for solid single Benshee.


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