Diplo is apparently a misogynistic thief

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Diplo is apparently a misogynistic thief

So we’ve written a bit lately about artists stealing music from other artists, but what about stealing ACTUAL art? Surely that’s just as bad, right?

Not everyone seems to think so. Mad Decent founder, Major Lazer frontman, one half of Jack Ü and all around party bro Diplo has recently been accused of stealing cartoon artwork from New York artist Rebecca Mock. The artwork can be seen on this little promotional clip on Instagram, about the upcoming Jack Ü & Missy Elliot collab.

After discovering the artwork on his page, Mock took to Twitter. Diplo responded by adding her name to the Instagram post. But it didn’t stop there. Out of nowhere came this:

Look, it’s good that he did credit her (although he should have done originally, and he could’ve at least said, “I’m sorry for stealing” but I guess you can’t have everything.) But seriously? Was that shitty, misogynistic and plainly rude tweet necessary? All she was doing was rightly claiming that something was hers.

Then he just got mean for no reason:

Aaaaand it’s been going on ever since:

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I know it’s only a small piece of gif art, but you know what? Fuck you Diplo. Producers get the shit sued outta them for using two second samples. How is this any different, and why is it okay for you to make fun of someone who has done literally nothing wrong just because she called you on your bullshit?

If you’d just quietly apologised and credited her, nobody would have noticed. But you didn’t, you overcompensated with dumb tweets and childish cyber-bullying, and now we all know about it and we’re all talking about what a dick you are.

You’re just trying to hide the fact that you stole from an artist and it’s making you look like an idiot. Just apologise and get over it.

In the meantime, take a look at Rebecca Mock’s artwork because it’s actually really cool! Hopefully this whole situation will bring her a little well-deserved attention.



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