Roland Releases Impressive New Range Of Products!

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Roland Releases Impressive New Range Of Products!

Roland AIRA‘s latest range of equipment is now available to purchase.

Last week, we saw a handful of leaked images for the new range, raising the anticipation factor for all us tech-heads out there, particularly with the news of classic items getting new designs and re-released.

As revealed earlier in the year, the items were set for release on 909 day, and hence are now available online!

Check it all out below.

DJ 808

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VP-03 (optional K-25m keyboard)

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System 8

14212003_1160548177338136_4293888165161637887_n 14264237_1160548174004803_633640509571845877_n 14192531_1160548164004804_8374356173079581117_n


14232372_1159746594084961_869660993855479662_n14202657_1159746607418293_3897292226896903259_n  14192590_1159746610751626_363827820142315079_n


14232601_1159748764084744_4708153721052158954_n14199226_1159748770751410_4472478070928697318_n  14199556_1159748774084743_6503704079632682607_n


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